Molti utenti lo chiedevano da tempo ed io ho provato a proporlo come idea nella Top Ten list per il SolidWorks World lo scorso Dicembre:

L'idea ha avuto successo, infatti è arrivata tra le prime 10 ed è stata presentata al SolidWorks World 2013. Durante la convention Bertrand Sicot aveva già annunciato l'uscita di eDrawings per Android nei mesi successivi, ed ecco che dopo pochi mesi l'idea è diventata realtà.
La notizia ha avuto moltissimo eco sul web e Nuovamacut è stata tra le prime ad annunciarne l'uscita su Twitter:
Per Nuovamacut questa notizia è molto importante, in quanto adesso anche gli utenti Android potranno utilizzare il WebViewer for EPDM:
Il post del Blog ufficiale della Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp mostra un filmato della versione di eDraWings per Android in azione:
Diverse sono le recensioni pubblicate sul web:
- SolidSmack: droid fans rejoice solidworks edrawings for android now available
- Michael Lord: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait – eDrawings for Android
- SolidWorks Legion: eDrawings for Android
- Lou Gallo (SolidWorks Heard): SolidWorks Recognizes Android As A Platform
- Deelip ;Menezes: SolidWorks Releases eDrawings For Android
Alcune note dagli sviluppatori:
- eDraWings per Android è equivalente ad eDraWings standard per IOS (iPad e iPhone). Prossimamente verrà rilasciata la versione Pro.
- Questa prima release di eDraWings per Android non permette di visualizzare file DXF/DWG.Sarà possibile con un prossimo aggiornamento dell'applicazione
Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp releases eDraWings for Android
It was only two weeks ago when I gave you some news about eDrawings for Android when shortly before the Feast of the Assumption Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp released eDrawings for Android!
Many users have been asking for it for a long time, so I tried to propose it as an idea in the Top Ten list for the SolidWorks World last December.
The idea was successful, in fact, it came in the top 10 and was presented at SolidWorks World 2013. During the convention Bertrand Sicot had already announced the plan to release an Adroid version of eDrawings in the coming months, and finally just a few months later the idea became reality.
The news had a lot of echo on the web and Nuovamacut was among the first to announce the release of eDrawings on Twitter.
This news is very important for Nuovamacut because now even Android users can use the WebViewer for EPDM
The post of the Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp official Blog shows a movie of eDrawings for Android in action.
There are several reviews posted on the web:
- SolidSmack: droid fans rejoice solidworks edrawings for android now available
- Michael Lord: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait – eDrawings for Android
- SolidWorks Legion: eDrawings for Android
- Lou Gallo (SolidWorks Heard): SolidWorks Recognizes Android As A Platform
- Deelip ;Menezes: SolidWorks Releases eDrawings For Android
- eDraWings for Android is equivalent to eDraWings standard for IOS (iPad and iPhone). Soon will be released the Pro version
- This first release of eDraWings for Android does not allow you to view DXF / DWG. It will be possibile with a future update of the application